"Learning without tears"

This programme applies to children in Classes Nursery, Jr.KG and Sr.KG. The curriculum and the daily schedules includes various activities and sessions like group talk, creative songs ,outdoor free plan, organized mind and body co-ordination, games,field trips etc. To cater all the three levels of the pre-school, there are various readiness activities which help the child to master all those pre-requisite skills that are necessary for a child to learn, read and write.

Meals Program

Healthy snacks are provided twice daily and rice or chapati is served with a portion of vegetable and protein for lunch. We encourage healthy eating habits and hence fried food and sugar rich food are not served. Though food is served by the school, students have given a option to bring home lunch

"What we learn becomes a part of who we are"

This programme is for children in classes 1,2,3 and 4.Here schooling should be fun and must ignite the curiosity for learning and exploring. Thus ,rather than having a rigid , structured , laid down curriculum for learning ,where imagination cannot stretch its legs, we believe in providing our children a programme which is stimulating, intelligent and interactive, giving enough scope to develop potential in each child .The is achieved through a programme including various activities like Sports and Performing Arts with academics .

The children learn everything through activities and have access to the STEM, Math, Science, English and Robotics Lab.

We positively challenge students in ways that raise their academic achievement, enabling them to be the best that they can be, expand their aptitudes and interests, develop their self-confidence and strengthen their social skill. A commitment to the enriched life means that students learn the important skills self-reliance and team responsibility.

Children with special needs

We need to educate ourselves and others to accept children who are differently abled as individuals with strengths and talents. From our experience, we have learnt that most learning difficulties can be overcome. There is a sense of wonder and joy when we look back and find that students who may have been unable to cope with normal life, are performing very well, often better than normal children.

We train our teachers to cater to children with special needs and will request for a shadow teacher if required. The point must be made that we are not a professional school for differently abled children. We do successfully deal with simple cases. Advanced cases would need professional help in an institution.


The Middle School (Classes 5,6,7) follows a system, which establishes values and independence. Middle school curriculum is preparing the youth of today, grooming the learners to become responsible, confident and reflective individuals. We believe each child is different and possesses different learning inclinations. Each student is given personal attention according to his/her needs through remedial, enrichment and reinforcement classes in the school itself thus making any kind of tuitions redundant. The twenty first century requires our future generation to have a balanced any dynamic personality. Students in higher classes are encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities like – debates, elocution, community service and various social activities.

The Middle School program is focused on building academic and creative skills as students take on greater independence and initiative. Students in these transitional years are guided in becoming self-motivated and self-disciplined students, equipped with the knowledge and experience they will need to meet the expectations of the Upper School. Each child’s progress is carefully monitored, providing the support students need as they move from the Primary to the Middle School.

Middle School students regularly give exhibitions that demonstrate what they have learned in their classes, such as the Food Festival in grade six, the family history project in grade seven, and the memorization and recitation of Shakespeare sonnets in grade Eight. Integrated science classes give students a strong background in physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science. In addition, the Math program have integrated Lab classes to provide enriched and stimulating environment and opportunity to connect various topics like Algebra & Trigonometry to real life situation.

The teachers who offer this rich and carefully developed curriculum do so in a small classroom environment. An average class size of 12 allows for personalized instruction and student-centered learning. With most of the faculty holding advanced degrees, the quality of instruction and the teachers’ ability to engage students make learning meaningful.

A vibrant arts program infuses the curriculum, and students explore and develop their creativity not only in their arts courses and programs but also throughout the general curriculum. Teachers encourage students to develop their voice and explore unique ways to demonstrate their understanding of the content being taught.

Several of the programs expand learning beyond the classrooms. The co-curricular experiential learning programs—such as Educational trips, and the Global Studies Program—enrich the students’ global competence. Students experience the perspectives of other people and learn how culture and standards of living impact viewpoints. Using what they have learned from an interdisciplinary-focused curriculum helps them understand the world from various points of view.

I hope you enjoy reading about the curriculum and programs. Our objective is to develop informed, engaged, and ethical citizens and leaders for the global community of the 21st century.


The Children in Senior School (Classes 8,9,10) get prepared for the Board exams keeping the fun of learning still alive and continuing to participate in all the extra-curricular activities. The senior school children start to take up leadership roles and are elected to run the student body. The school offers various subject options for students, catering to their strengths and career needs.


We believe in keeping both the mind and body strong and balanced, so we start our day at 8.45 with yoga along with breathing exercises.

Our assemblies are value theme based and every grade gets an opportunity to showcase their stage skills as often as possible. Then the classes begin which is activity based, very interactive, experiential and fun. Healthy and hygienic snacks are served twice a day with a good portion of vegetable and protein with rice or chappati for lunch. The children then enjoy a good hour of sports activities after school.

About US

Here at DainTree Public School, wo believe each child is unique- and so is their educational journey.

Whether joining DainTree Tirupur at the beginning of that journey in our nurturing Play Group class, entering the Primary School aged 6 or joining us for the crucial Senior years, our focus remains on each individual student. Each child is a learner who has their own strengths, skills and talents, as well as those areas about which they feel less confident or find more demanding.

Our job is to offer a relevant, stimulating and dynamic edu- cation, which enables each child to develop as a well-quali- fied, socially confident, independent young adult. The educational journey embraces more than the classroom environment; we believe it is equally about the co-curricular opportunities through which the individual grows and flour- ishes. It is our role to provide each child with the skills and opportunities to help them to make the very best of their journey, to challenge them academically, to give them opportunities for personal and social development, leader- ship and commitment to service, preparing them to be the best that they can be.

Whether in the classroom, on the sports fields or on the stage, education is about passion, curiosity, excitement and discov- ery. Our role is to challenge each individual student to discover more about themselves, about others and about the world around them. Through a range of learning environ- monts, we seek to develop flexible learning In each individual so that they are well prepared for their future.


No. 10, Venkateshapuram,
Lakhsmi Nagar (Opp EB Office).
Tirupur-641 607, Tamilnadu, India.

Phone Number :

99439 58555, 99439 58444


